Monday, June 26, 2006

Well, it's another self promoting entry this time. But Papa needs a new pair of shoes. Whatever. I mean, I don't get cash for recruiting people to come to my screenings, but it make's my heart wealthy. I need to pay for my recent trip to NewFest in NYC. I DID buy a new pair of shoes while I was there and, even though I can write off most of the trip as business, I'm not sure I can write off the new fabulous pair of Steve Madden's that I got. So...

Come check out my latest short, HEART at this summer's Outfest!

It's my love letter to that incomparable 80s rock duo with big hair and even bigger ... voices. Watch me sing karaoke to "All I Wanna Do Is Make Love to You," quite possibly the greatest rock song ever made about having sex with a hitch hiker and having his baby.

I'm gonna be in the "BOYS SHORTS" program which screens twice:

Saturday, July 8, 11am, DGA Theatre 1, 7920 Sunset at Fairfax, 90046.


Monday, July 10, 5pm, Village Theatre, 1125 N. McCadden just north of Santa Monica, 90038.

To order tickets, check out this link:


and, while you're at it, check out my website:

I'm going to be updating it shortly with a whole new look. And, yes, i'm going to post PUSH IT soon, too. I tried doing it the other day before I went out of town, but there was some problem with the upload. Sometimes the web is a difficult mistress.


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